
You should provide as much information as possible to get a good calculation.

Basic project information

This is some basic information about your project and the currency you are working with.

Print information

Lets get some print information added to the project. If you are printing in multi colour, or multi material, add a line item for each.

Provided default values are averages on price and markup. You should use the price of your own filament, and choice a markup that works for you. Filament color is mainly for identification for the item in your print.

Filament information

Filament type Filament color Grams of filament Spool price Spool weight Subtotal Markup (%) Total

Print duration

For some calculations we need to know the print time, so we can calculate the energy pricing and deprecation costs. This time will not result in a specific cost, but will be only just used for later calculations.

Energy pricing

While your printer does not use a lot of energy, it is still a cost of running your printer. An average printer uses on average around 100Watt. You should check your printer how much it uses, and provide that information below.

Subtotal for energy: $0.00

Printer depreciation

This is block is about the price you paid for the printer, and how much of this you want to calculate into the price of the product. We also include a small part about the price of the repairs needed a year for the printer.

The number of years used is the amount of years you plan to use your printer. With this, we can calculate how much a year the printer should bring in, compared together with the number of hours used daily.

1 hours/day 8 16 24 hours/day
Hours used a day: 4 hours
0% 33% 66% 100%
Repair percentage a year: 10% or $0.00/year
Subtotal for printer depreciation: $0.00

Labor cost

This is the time it takes you to prepare and for example cleanup the 3D print. Your own time that you spent on getting the print ready might be the largest cost of the product, however you are not working for free (hopefully!)

Provided default values are prices based on hourly wages in Europe. You should adjust these prices to your local hourly wages.

Description Price/hour Time (In minutes) Subtotal
Subtotal filament:
Subtotal energy:
Subtotal printer depreciation:
Subtotal labour:

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